About Us

The Bluegrass Parrot Head Club is an official member of Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. In addition to regular monthly meetings, Happy Hours, concerts, parties and other social events, Parrot Heads are very active in community and environmental concerns. Clubs across the country are or have been involved in projects ranging from the "Adopt-a-Mile" highway cleanups to the "Save the Manatee" program. 
Since 1995, Parrot Heads have raised and donated $2.6 million to charities.  Additionally, chapters worldwide have donated $2.9 million man-hours to philanthropic, humanitarian and environmental activities .
Parrot Heads truly are "Angels in Tropical Shirts."
Just a few of the many great reasons to be a part of the Bluegrass Parrot Head Club...come join the phun and PARTY WITH A PURPOSE! 
For more information on what Parrot Heads do on a national level, see the link below...





2016 Bluegrass Parrothead Board Members

Susan Kennedy - President

Chris Tutsch - Treasurer